Search Results for: plastic

Sustainability in 2024: beyond buzzwords
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Sustainability in 2024: beyond buzzwords

Sustainability. It’s a word bandied about with increasing frequency, adorning product labels, fuelling political platforms, and popping up in every Instagram story. But in 2024, amidst a climate crisis intensifying by the day, the question begs: what does sustainability actually mean? Is it simply swapping plastic straws for metal ones? Planting a few trees in…

Top sustainability tips from Clean Up Australia
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Top sustainability tips from Clean Up Australia

There’s no doubt that sometimes, when we think about how we can live more sustainably, it can all seem too hard. 

When Glimmer met with Clean Up Australia’s CEO Jenny Geddes, we asked her for her top sustainability tips for reducing waste; she spoke about the big impact of small, simple steps.

In a Barbie world … after the movie frenzy fades, how do we avoid tonnes of Barbie dolls going to landfill?
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In a Barbie world … after the movie frenzy fades, how do we avoid tonnes of Barbie dolls going to landfill?

It made headlines around the world when the much-hyped Barbie movie contributed to a world shortage of fluorescent pink paint.
But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. When movies or TV shows become cultural phenomena, toymakers jump on board. And that comes with a surprisingly large amount of plastic waste.