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Glimmer Privacy Policy

Glimmer Privacy Policy

We are committed to protecting your privacy and keeping your personal information safe.

This Privacy Policy sets out our approach to personal information including how we collect, store, use, disclose and protect your personal information.

This policy applies to:

  • All business functions and activities conducted by Glimmer World Pty Ltd, ABN 44 645 962 036 (Glimmer, we, us, or our).
  • The personal information provided by individuals, businesses, partners, suppliers, contractors, employment candidates and third parties we interact with during our normal business operations.
  • All Glimmer platforms, including our website at glimmerworld.com and our mobile application.


  • Personal information means information that identifies you or can be used to identify you or from which you are reasonably identifiable. For this Privacy Policy, Personal Information is interchangeable with Personal Data.
  • Sensitive information is a subset of personal, and includes information about your health, race or ethnic or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union or other professional associations or memberships, sexual preferences, or criminal history. 

Sensitive information is more protected under privacy laws than other forms of personal information. 

We do not actively request sensitive information about you, but you may voluntarily provide sensitive information through your activity on our platform. 

In this policy, unless otherwise states, all references to personal information include sensitive information.

What personal information do we collect?

We collect and hold different categories of information depending on our relationship with you.

The types of personal information we may collect include:

  • Contact information such as full name, personal email address, personal phone number 
  • Identifying information such as date of birth, and gender
  • Business information such as your ABN, business email address, business phone number, your credit card or payment details (through our third-party payment processor)
  • Profile information such as username, password, and any additional information you include such as interests, photos, the country, state, or city where you live, and your platform preferences
  • Your activity on our platform such as content you create, posts, comments, content provided through your camera and audio, messages you send and receive, metadata about content and messages as permitted by law, and connections and interactions with other users of our platform
  • Platform, browser, and device information such as the device and software you are using, your device’s IP address and geographic location data, details of the browser session and your activity, network and connection details 
  • Services and products we have provided to you and/or that you have enquired about, and our response to you 
  • Marketing and communications information such as marketing and communications preferences, tracking data on whether you have read marketing communications from us, web analytics about your interactions with our platforms, customer survey responses
  • Electronic monitoring information to the extent the law allows, we may record and monitor your electronic communications with us 
  • Additional identifying information may be collected for employees and potential employees. You can get more information from the Privacy Officer if this relates to you. 

How do we collect your personal information?

You directly provide us with most of the personal information we collect including:

  • when you register for an account and use our platform 
  • when you view our website or use the ‘contact form’ on the website 
  • when you email us or telephone us
  • when you voluntarily complete a survey or provide feedback via email.

We also receive personal information indirectly:

  • when you purchase goods or services from us and pay through our third-party service providers
  • when you use our website and information is collected by our analytics partners and cookies.

If your web browser has Do Not Track / Incognito enabled, we will not track your visit to our website.

Cookies are text files placed on your computer to collect standard internet log information and visitor behaviour. When you visit our websites, we may collect information from you automatically through cookies to enhance functionality on the website. Most browsers allow you to choose whether to accept cookies or not. If you do not wish to have cookies placed on your computer, please set your browser preferences to reject all cookies before accessing our website.

How will we use your personal information?

We collect personal information so that we can:

  • maintain your account on our platform so you can login and use the platform
  • promote content, including content related to the customers that use our platform, that we consider may be of interest to you
  • communicate with you about our platform, including resolving issues and disputes
  • operate and manage our platform and the services we offer
  • send information to our third-party service provider to process payments
  • comply with our legal obligations,
  • consider employment application for potential employees. 

How do we safeguard your personal information?

We are committed to ensuring that the personal information we collect is secure and therefore take reasonable steps to protect your information from misuse, interference, loss, unauthorised access, modification, destruction, or disclosure. 

We have implemented stringent physical, electronic, and managerial procedures that align with industry standard security protocols.

Our security protocols are reviewed and updated regularly to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data and systems.

Our data is stored on cloud storage located in Sydney.

We will keep your information for as long as we need it to deliver our platform and services to you, or as required by law, then we will take reasonable steps to destroy or dispose it in a secure manner. 

Disclosure of personal information to third parties

We may disclose personal information to third-party service providers to enable them to provide their services to us for the purpose of operating and managing our platform and the services we provide to you. 

Some of these third parties may be outside of Australia. The disclosure of this personal information is subject to the privacy laws applicable, either in the country where the third party is located, or the disclosing location, dependent on the principles of international law and privacy or data protection.

We will not disclose your personal information to overseas third parties unless we have taken reasonable steps to ensure they protect your privacy in accordance with this Policy.

We will disclose your personal information as required by law.


We would like to send you information about out platform and services that we think may be of interest to you. If you have agreed to receive marketing, you may always opt out at a later date. If you no longer wish to be contacted for marketing purposes, please contact [email protected]

Privacy policies of other websites

Our website and platform may contain links to other websites. Our privacy policy only applies to our website, so if you click on another website, you should read their privacy policy.

What are your rights related to your personal information?

  • The right to access – You have the right to request for copies of your personal information from us. We may charge you a small fee for this service.
  • The right to rectification – You have the right to request that we correct any information you believe is inaccurate. You also have the right to request us to complete the information you believe is incomplete.
  • The right to erasure – You have the right to request that we erase your personal information, under certain conditions.
  • The right to restrict processing – You have the right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal information, under certain conditions.
  • The right to object to processing – You have the right to object to our processing of your personal information, under certain conditions.
  • The right to data portability – You have the right to request that we transfer the information that we have collected to another organisation, or directly to you, under certain conditions.

If you wish to make a request or wish to assert your rights, refer to the ‘How to contact us’ section. We will respond within a reasonable time frame.

Changes to our privacy policy

We keep our privacy policy under regular review and place any updates on this web page. This privacy policy was last updated on 10 September 2024.

If you have a privacy complaint

If you would like to make a complaint about how we manage or protect your personal information, you can provide your written complaint by mail or email using the contact details outlined below in the section ‘How to contact us’.

We make reasonable efforts to investigate your complaint and advise you of the outcome as soon as possible.

You can also complain to a competent authority with jurisdiction over privacy and data protection laws relating to your personal information that may apply. Please contact us for further details.

How to contact us

You can contact us about this Policy or about your personal information as follows:

By mail at the address listed on our website.olicy by publishing the amended Privacy Policy on our website. We recommend you check our website regularly to ensure you are aware of our current Privacy Policy. 

By email at  [email protected]

By telephone at the number listed on our website.

By completing the ‘Contact us’ form on our website.