The power of short breaks, movement and other practices on improving mental health – 4 essential reads
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The power of short breaks, movement and other practices on improving mental health – 4 essential reads

Research suggests that the pandemic has exacerbated the impacts of loneliness. Additionally, people’s fear of missing out, also known as FOMO, hasn’t decreased even since in-person social gatherings became less frequent. But small daily actions – such as a short walk, break from social media or even a catnap – can add up to have an impact on mental health.

Agroforestry key to food security, soil nutrition and empowering women in Nepal
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Agroforestry key to food security, soil nutrition and empowering women in Nepal

Agroforestry is a system combining trees with shrubs, crops, and livestock to produce food, support biodiversity, build organic content in soils, boost water tables, and sequester carbon from the atmosphere. Adopted in the Kavre district of Nepal, agroforestry is key to conserving soil nutrition, promoting food security, and empowering women.

Five ways to use your garden to support your wellbeing
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Five ways to use your garden to support your wellbeing

COVID-19 has shown that pandemics can seriously affect people’s physical and mental health. Stress, anxiety and depression have increased around the world, with the greatest effects for those living under the strictest lockdowns. Many people’s physical activity levels also fell during lockdown. Gardens, though, can help us push back against these negative effects.

Why 2022 is critical to ‘Turn the Tide’ on plastic pollution
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Why 2022 is critical to ‘Turn the Tide’ on plastic pollution

We know plastic pollution remains a truly global problem, affecting communities around the world. 
Despite our careful sorting, collection and recycling efforts, plastic is everywhere—from the deepest oceans to the summit of Mt Everest. However, 2022 has shown signs of progress! 

How to boost your attention and ability to function with meditation, exercise and sleep
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How to boost your attention and ability to function with meditation, exercise and sleep

Whether you’re driving a car with children yelling in the backseat or trying to read a book in a coffee shop while someone talks loudly on their phone, attention is essential for navigating and interacting with the world.