Here’s how the new global treaty on plastic pollution can help solve this crisis
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Here’s how the new global treaty on plastic pollution can help solve this crisis

Plastic pollution is a global problem, contaminating terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems. Microplastics — plastic particles smaller than five millimetres in size — infiltrate and circulate in the global planetary dust cycle, water cycle and carbon cycle.

New IPCC report shows Australia is at real risk from climate change, with impacts worsening, future risks high, and wide-ranging adaptation needed
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New IPCC report shows Australia is at real risk from climate change, with impacts worsening, future risks high, and wide-ranging adaptation needed

As climate change intensifies, we are now seeing cascading and compounding impacts and risks, including where extreme events coincide.

Low-technology: why sustainability doesn’t have to depend on high-tech solutions
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Low-technology: why sustainability doesn’t have to depend on high-tech solutions

It’s a popular idea that the path to sustainability lies in high-tech solutions. But the risks of this approach are becoming ever clearer. In some places, the principles of low tech are already influencing urban design and industrial policy.

A quick guide to climate change jargon – what experts mean by mitigation, carbon neutral and 6 other key terms

A quick guide to climate change jargon – what experts mean by mitigation, carbon neutral and 6 other key terms

Authoritative reports about climate change can be difficult for non-scientists to understand. With the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change releasing new reports on mitigation and adaptation, we thought it would be helpful to clarify some of the most common terms used to describe climate change.