Navigating Our Future: Confronting Inequality and Embracing Sustainability

confronting gender and racial equality

At Glimmer’s inaugural event, “Glimmer: Social Media’s Green Upgrade“, we had the privilege to hear from four change makers passionate about being involved in creating a brighter more sustainable world.

One of our panellists was PhD candidate, Maryam Alshehri. Maryam is dedicated to bringing sustainability into core business strategies. She is passionate about equipping the next generation to navigate and excel in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Here is some of what she had to say:

What Are the Most Pressing Social and Environmental Challenges Facing Our Generation?

As we stand at the crossroads of a rapidly evolving world, we face heart-wrenching social challenges that demand our urgent attention.

It’s as if we’re all trying to run a race, but some people have to start 100 meters behind the starting line because of the barriers they face—whether it’s due to economic disparity, gender inequality, or lack of access to education. We can’t expect to reach the finish line together if we don’t address these disparities. 

Picture a world where one’s future isn’t shaped by their dreams, talents, or efforts, but is instead determined by the circumstances of their birth. Imagine the profound heartache and frustration of being judged and held back simply because of where you come from, your gender, or your socioeconomic status.

This is not a distant issue or an abstract concept; it is a harsh and relentless reality for countless individuals around the globe.

We have the power to rewrite this narrative. We have the ability to build a world where every person is not only recognised but valued and treated with the dignity they inherently deserve.

This is not merely a cause we can choose to support; it is a profound and urgent fight for the very soul of humanity. Every action we take, every voice we amplify, and every barrier we break down is a step towards a more just and equitable world.

This fight is not just about improving lives—it’s about affirming our shared humanity and ensuring that every person has the chance to shine and thrive.

Hope for future generations
Together, we can create a world where every person is valued, every voice is heard, and every dream has the chance to flourish. Canva.

Q. How Can We Start Addressing These Inequalities to Ensure a Fairer and More Just Society for Future Generations?

To craft a world that is genuinely fair and just, we must first confront the depth of the inequalities that divide us and commit ourselves to bridging these chasms.

Our journey must begin with listening deeply to the voices of those who have been silenced and the stories of those who have been marginalised. Their experiences are not just statistics; they are the pulse of our society’s struggles and dreams. By embracing their realities, we build the empathy and drive needed for meaningful change.

Education is our most powerful tool for transformation.

We must ensure that every child, regardless of their background, has access to quality education. Imagine a classroom where every student is given the support they need to soar, where their dreams are nurtured, not crushed by systemic barriers. Education has the power to shatter the cycle of poverty and unlock boundless opportunities.

We must also confront economic disparities with unwavering resolve. Fair wages, job opportunities, and social safety nets are not mere policies—they are commitments to human dignity and respect. Advocating for a living wage, equal pay for equal work, and robust social programs reaffirms our dedication to justice and equality.

Gender inequality demands our fierce attention as well. Everyone should have the freedom to pursue their passions without facing discrimination or prejudice. Creating environments where every individual, regardless of gender, can succeed and be valued equally is not just necessary; it is urgent.

The road to a fairer society will be arduous and long. Yet, every step we take, no matter how small, is a stride toward a world where every person has a chance to thrive. 

Let us be the generation that transforms our shared humanity into a beacon of hope and equity. This is not merely a challenge for our time; it is a legacy we must build for those who come after us. Together, we can create a world where every person is valued, every voice is heard, and every dream has the chance to flourish.

Q. What Sustainability Issues Are You Addressing in Your Research and Academic Work?

In my research, I am deeply invested in the challenge of aligning ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) goals with digital transformation, and understanding the obstacles that organisations face.

Today, businesses are under intense pressure to innovate responsibly—balancing technological advancement with sustainability. They must reduce environmental impact, enhance social responsibility, and maintain robust governance.

Through extensive research, I’ve unearthed several key barriers:

  • Balancing Costs and Benefits: The high initial costs for both new technology and eco-friendly upgrades are daunting.
  • Lack of a Unified Strategy: Disparate teams for digital transformation and ESG can lead to misaligned priorities and missed synergies.
  • Measuring Success: Difficulty in finding effective metrics to gauge the impact of digital and ESG initiatives.
  • Navigating Complex Regulations: Compliance with diverse and complex rules can impede progress.
  • Cultural Resistance: Employee resistance due to fears about job security or changing roles.
  • Old Technology Problems: Outdated systems struggle to support new, sustainable technologies.
Social media can be a force for good
On Glimmer, your passion transforms into action. Canva.

Q. How Can a Sustainability-Focused Social Network Empower Young People to Connect, Collaborate, and Amplify Their Voices on Environmental and Social Issues?

A sustainability-focused social network, like Glimmer, stands as a beacon of hope for young people eager to make a difference. It’s a space where your deepest concerns and aspirations for a better world find a vibrant community ready to support and amplify your voice.

On Glimmer, your passion transforms into action. You connect with like-minded individuals, collaborate on innovative projects, and drive real change.

Every idea shared and every effort made contributes to a collective movement. Your hope, commitment, and dreams fuel a force that not only envisions a brighter future but actively builds it together. By harnessing the power of such networks, we can amplify our voices and foster a global community dedicated to sustainability and social justice.

We need to join together on this pivotal journey as we confront the challenges of our time and unite to shape a future where hope, equity, and sustainability prevail.

Well said Maryam. Thank you.

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