ESG: Overcoming the Hurdles

ESG a hurdle for companies to navigate

This is the second installment in our series featuring four changemakers dedicated to building a brighter, more sustainable future.

This week, we feature PhD candidate, A B M Nayeem. Nayeem uses his background in ICT project management to bring a practical, interdisciplinary approach to his research, aiming to bridge the gap between technology and sustainability for the future world.

At Glimmer’s inaugural event, “Glimmer: Social Media’s Green Upgrade“, we asked Nayeem a few questions.

Q1: Hi Nayeem, your research thinks into how technology can help companies be more sustainable. What are some of the sustainability/ESG issues from an organisational perspective? 

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) is becoming an increasingly important issue for businesses—helping companies manage risks, follow rules, build a good reputation, and even make more money. 

But many companies are having a hard time doing ESG well.

I think there are three main reasons. Firstly, people don’t know enough about ESG or what it means for the company. Secondly, companies don’t have good systems to track how well they’re doing on ESG. It’s difficult to make ESG part of how the company works, and people are often hesitant to spend money on it because they don’t see the results right away. Finally, companies don’t always tell people what they’re doing to be more sustainable.

Hopefully, new laws about reporting climate change information will help fix some of these problems and make companies more transparent about their ESG efforts.

Q2. And what do you see are some of the potential solutions to these issues?

To tackle ESG challenges, it’s important to start with a big-picture plan. 

Sustainability should be a key part of the whole company’s strategy, not just a separate project. 

Using a framework called “enterprise architecture”, sustainability can become a core part of how the company works. This means thinking about sustainability in everything the company does, from its leadership to its technology.

New tools are needed to measure how well a company is doing on sustainability. These tools should fit with the company’s existing systems. Clear rules and communication are also important to make sure everyone is working together towards sustainability goals. 

These are just some of the steps that companies can make for sustainability to be a real part of how they do business.

Social media an important tool to communicate sustainability
Social networking can be used for good—helping us create a momentum for positive change, fostering a more sustainable and equitable future. Canva.
Q3: How can social media be used to raise awareness about sustainability issues and inspire others to take action? 

Social media has become a powerful tool for raising awareness about sustainability issues and inspiring individuals to take action.

By rapidly spreading information, shaping stakeholder perceptions, and influencing corporate actions, social media can drive positive change. A sustainability-focused platform like Glimmer can play a crucial role in leveraging social media for good by broadening the reach of initiatives, facilitating active dialogues, and inspiring individuals to take action.

Social networking can be used for good—helping us create a momentum for positive change, fostering a more sustainable and equitable future. 

Great insight, Nayeem. Thank you.

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